unless you live in the far east availability is not going to get much better for quite a while.
The shipping lines have added several 1000 new containers into the mix but with lunar new year, a huge back log and prices for shipping still through the roof both availability and prices are going to be bad.
The company i work for normally ships around 150 containers a week to the UK. we have over 900 containers in back log with our freight rate at about $10k per container, this time last year that was $1.9k and even at 10k a pop, we're fighting for space on the vessels.
Chip production is down too as raw resources are not being shipped as much and lets be honest, nobody is going to stock pile a million chips that they then can't get out of the country even if they could produce them. Unless some serious production starts happening outside of the far east, 2021 is not going to be any better.