Next Gen AMD GPUs will have 2x the performance per watt of current offerings


News Guru
AMD's Lisa Su has teased that the performance per watt of their next generation GPUs will be 2x that of their current offerings.


Read more on AMD's 2x improvement in Performance per watt for future GPUs.
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I still think AMD needs to work on two things for their next launch: Availability to board partners/ consumers and QC on PCB components namely the vrm. We are just only seeing gigabyte begin to "tease" their version of the fury considering Asus and Sapphire have had their cards out for a long space of time. With the fury X, coil whine has been well documented so that should be a high priority on the fix list.
It's not that simple. Both AMD and nVidia cards suffer from coil whine, there aren't any problems with the VRMS either.

They may be a little slow on the supply end at the moment, however it is a compromise when utilising new tech.

Would definitely like to get some AMD on the notebook.
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They may be a little slow on the supply end at the moment, however it is a compromise when utilising new tech.

From what I have read the supply issue is based on lack of Fabrication time at the foundries so not really there fault although it certainly doesnt help them.

Any rumors of release dates?Early, mid, late 2016?
So we can expect more or less regular performance increase but drastically improving its power efficiency. That's pretty good. When it will be available? Summer 2016?
When they were getting ready to launch the Fury X, AMD wanted to go to a faster release cycle with smaller performance jumps. If that stays true to their claims,I could see a spring release.
Thank you I didn't know that. That would be a good news since I am thinking about building new system and until then I could be using CPU as my GPU or maybe even wait with the hole build.
I still think AMD needs to work on two things for their next launch: Availability to board partners/ consumers and QC on PCB components namely the vrm. We are just only seeing gigabyte begin to "tease" their version of the fury considering Asus and Sapphire have had their cards out for a long space of time. With the fury X, coil whine has been well documented so that should be a high priority on the fix list.

Coil whine is a natural part of magnetism. It's never really gone. It's always there and even taking steps to dampen the noise will only do so much. You can virtually get rid of it but it's still going to vibrate and cause noise on some level. AMD don't have any issues with QC on the VRM. If they did you would hear about Fury products failing and have artifacts all over the screen. Haven't heard anything about that yet. AMD just needs to choose a higher quality OEM for pumps if they decide to use AIOs again and a FAB that will actually give them the supply they need.