New Rise of the Tomb Raider video shows stealth


News Guru
Many fans called Lara Croft a Bloodthirsty Psychopath after early footage of Rise of the Tomb Raider's combat, but thankfully that is not the case, as the developers show how levels can be completed with no kills in a stealthier manner.


Read more on Rise of the Tomb Raider's Stealth gameplay.
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God damn I am excited about this game. The first one was a massive breath of fresh air.

Can't wait !
Damn.. that looks like a lot of fun.

It reminds me of the classic games (Tomb Raider 1-5), the developers (who were different at the time) kept trying to bring stealth into each successive game, but never did a good job of it. Looks like they've got it right this time. :p