Need For Speed Reboot Revealed


News Guru
Need for Speed has just been announced, a reboot of the franchise which promises to take the series back to the glory days of Underground 2.


Read more on Need for Speed here.
Still got the original Underground, Underground 2, Most Wanted, Hot Pursuit 2, Carbon and Pro Street on the shelf here.

They became boring and shit over the years. Let's hope game developers finally see we are a nostalgic bunch and want to replay games from our youth on modern systems, engines and graphics. :D
It's being made by Ghost Games and they helped make Rivals. This is their first time getting to be the lead devs. Hopefully they can deliver and the extra year they had to put into it helps.
I will withhold judgment from the video, but I hope to god its good as I been getting NFS withdrawals and want a new one to play thats going to be like the original first few was....
This has alot of potential to be good.

I'm very excited to see what will come out. Not going to lie, I still don't entirely trust EA.
going by whats been out the remake most wanted, rivals and the run I'm not going to get overly excited, and get ready for all the good cars to be £15 dlc's
If they remove the retarded Burnout style gameplay ill be happy

i mean cmon, drive 200mph then hit brake and turn = instant power slide.. good job logical thinking. I loved Underground 1 and 2. especially the drag racing in my 200sx :D
I only liked the version on the PS2 where you could play as either cop or the ones trying to out run the cops, as player vs player. That was fun. Which one was that?
I hope it is like the Underground series, but if it has the stupid crash system in it like all the newer games then I will not touch it.

NFS are arcade racers not sim's so if I hit a wall at 40mph or above I don't want to write the car off, I just want to bounce of the wall and carry on racing same with hitting other cars.
I hope it is like the Underground series, but if it has the stupid crash system in it like all the newer games then I will not touch it.

NFS are arcade racers not sim's so if I hit a wall at 40mph or above I don't want to write the car off, I just want to bounce of the wall and carry on racing same with hitting other cars.

Actually this bouncing you speak of is what I hated most about the earlier series. Dont get me wrong, nf2IISE was amazing and still my favourite, but when you can break lap records by intentionally bouncing off a corner or clipping it, then "me no likey dis"
I hope it's underground 3, Free roam, Racing that's not too arcadey and butt tons of customization.

Yeah Dice, you gonna put dem white and green leds under yo ride just like yo rig...yo?


I loved customising the cars. I have noticed that recent games e.g. Forza allow it but the selection is so drab and limited, its almost pointless.
I just want 100+ cars and big ass trucks(Murica'n for ya lol) and they all have endless custom options. Wouldn't hurt if they all sounded like there real life models and then all the upgrades somehow makes them sound better(deeper exhaust, turbo/supercharger whine).. i know that won't happen though. It'll end up being most cars sound identical.
I just want 100+ cars and big ass trucks(Murica'n for ya lol) and they all have endless custom options. Wouldn't hurt if they all sounded like there real life models and then all the upgrades somehow makes them sound better(deeper exhaust, turbo/supercharger whine).. i know that won't happen though. It'll end up being most cars sound identical.
If Forza can do it I can't see why NFS can't. Considering they said 'authentic urban car culture' I'd imagine they aren't gonna do trucks though which is sort of a shame, as I'd love a 1000hp Raptor.