Msi 7950 problem


New member
First off i have to have a very high 1.26-1.28v

The boost is 960 Mhz from standard of 880Mhz. Oc'd to 1145/1165 stable on the standard memory 1250Mhz.

If i try and push the memory even a little the screen goes grey with black lines across and i have to reset.

am i better to try and run the core just say 1070 and try and increese both just a little ?

Im a little stuck as to how best to run it ?
Keep the memory at stock clock/volts if its stable(which it is). Then just focus on the core clock/volts. Get them as high as you can go without crashes using benchmarks and games you play the most. I have an OC profile that works with everything i have ever run except one game. Where it won't for some reason run on anything but stock clocks. I can add as much volts as i want but it won't change a damn thing. So just test as much as you can.
TBH no, however even when the Vram was unstable at just 1300 and core at 1145 I got 7745 on Catzilla with 4.4Ghz 3570k abd 16Gb 2133 Ram.

May benchmark tonight at the now stable 1165 Core and see :)
Was it stable? No artifacts or a "snowy" looking effect on screen? My 7950 gets that snowy effect once i push it past 1220mhz on the core.