Nice write up dude, it's clear to see now where the consoles are taking the hits, the anisotropic levels and texture levels are simply out of the consoles reach, to be expected with the AMD Jaguar really, I'm surprised it's showing it's age so soon. But hopefully DX12 will breath new life into the consoles.
Nice write up dude, it's clear to see now where the consoles are taking the hits, the anisotropic levels and texture levels are simply out of the consoles reach, to be expected with the AMD Jaguar really, I'm surprised it's showing it's age so soon. But hopefully DX12 will breath new life into the consoles.
Well it will only breathe new life into the XB1, PS4 doesn't use DX
On a serious note though even Phil Spencer said with DX12 they're only looking at a performance gain of maybe 20% if they look at it optimistically, So that would equal maybe 6 more FPS.
By this time next year I reckon consoles are going to not just look dated like they do now but extremely dated compared to PC titles mainly due to having to make large cuts all the time in frame rate, Resolution, Graphical features etc... so by the time DX12 gets into full swing console graphics are going to start to look quite last gen.
Nice write up dude, it's clear to see now where the consoles are taking the hits, the anisotropic levels and texture levels are simply out of the consoles reach, to be expected with the AMD Jaguar really, I'm surprised it's showing it's age so soon. But hopefully DX12 will breath new life into the consoles.
Whats funny is that they are both more CPU limited than GPU limited in terms of power, more so PS4 though. For the amount of power they use though, it's extremely impressive of what they can out out. They only use about 160watts total draw. Pretty good if you ask me. Now in comparison though it's simply not up to par, but again doing that great with what they got isn't bad either.
To me its the lighting and shadows that are the biggest difference. Makes sense though, because they're usually the easiest things to turn down if you want to gain frame rate (well, along with Anti Aliasing)