it may sound stupid. but im happy that they locked it at 60....
The reason im happy??
they didnt cop out and lock it at 30 like ubi soft..
Honestly though i do not see any reason for this locking things down at a set fps..
multiplayer 1st person shooter.. force tripple bufer at 60fps "i could comprehend" as it will help eliminate hardware advantage.. but this seems a bit stupid really..
But as i said atleast it is 60fps (and i know a lot will dissagree) but it is a prety standard target for pc gamers..
I know i aim for 1080p with min frames of 60.. and i will spend time tweaking untill i achhive that (v sink off i obviously achive more than 60 for the most part. but i will not tollorate less than 60 at any time "unless its a fmv"
So yes i am glad. 60 fps is better than 30.
and provided they dont lock it down to 816p "and then say locked to an aspect ratio" then im pretty happy
I still think that pc games should play at the frames they are able to be played at on the system it is on..
its not like the old days (early 90's) back tehn you had a game and it would run like it did on the hardware. if you played it on todays hardware everything would run at about 10000x faster than you expected. so you have to use tools to slow down your system to play it at acceptable speeds.
I guess in a way locking a game down to a set FPS would eliminate that issue too.. but i do think that the way to go is tripple buffer. at the FPS you want.
atleast then if a system cannot always achive the set FPS the tripple buffer will make sure that the gpu will keep working at full load and will render every fram when it is available.
if your just limiting a system to a set fps by any oother means you run the risk of lesser systems never achieing the 60fps. or rather they always achieve 60fps but only 1/3rd of the time they should.. which results in a bad expirienece for the end user..
so after saying that The BEST option "when its not an online multiplayer fps" is to allow 100% of the frames that the system can render TO be renderd. Which is "if im not mistaken" was what we had before consoles had the tag of "next gen" Gaming was better back in the console 8 and 16 bit era and i dont care who will argue aout that with me. It just was. consoles were consoles and pc's were pc's "although you had a wide variaty of pc's back then" and the games were never really ports..
The ONLY port i actually remember (many may remember more) was Mike tyson'spunch out (pc's and arcade) and "punch out" (Nes)
the ports were similar but most definatly different.. you couldnt put the source code in to 3-4 different compilers and end up with the same working game for 3-4 different systems..
To me personally that last sentance/paragraph, sums up the issue with gaming these days. You can simply code for the lowest common denominator. make a few changes for the controller interface and then compile it for every system available. then you just say "locked at cinematic frame rates at 816p for cinematic effetc"
when the actuall issue is "locked at xbox one's hardware capabilaties and we are to lazy to re code"
it was much better when it was all down to the kernel. but no some idiot had to figure out compileing. But then what do i know im only a gamer/modder/builder/repairer.. just like the rest of us on here.
having said all that atleast they have steped up to give us extra "stuff" gfx wise on the pc so we can push it past the console variants.. more light source and shaddows do make a big difference to the imersion.
although i would really hope that 90fps would be the MIN target for most developers these days with the next occulus rift dkit repotedly needing that. and even 75fps for the current one.
sorry for any gramaticall and spelling errors i am out of sorts these days but i hope that my pont is getting across