I can see a use in AI i used it earlier for something my mum wanted it does have it's uses and obviously with data and such things science related etc, but generally speaking while it will have an impact i just don't feel for the general masses it's going to be like other inventions sure it will have an impact but not going to change my life drastically in my view.
While Nvidia or anyone else is going to ride the profit wave that it brings I actually think there going to regret going so fully into it in time, for the simple fact it's taking there attention away from other possibilities by fuelling into it so heavy and the profit train is going to come to an end on it at some point and i feel sooner than they would like.
At some point tech is going to the wall in all ways and AI will become so normal and common that any positive progress becomes like most things just a bigger number and when something is good enough they will need a new option.
no different to DXR cause without DXR we'd not actually need such powerful GPU's and AI will go the same route so as crazy as it is they will find something new to hook onto the next train.
Thou this is meta so i wonder what backdoors they will have on it and if they will market it to others as i'd personally avoid their tech myself can't be trusted.
Meanwhile Intel is having a disco with even pat dancing on stage over there new AI AI AI AI AI AI