Lian Li Announces The PC-X510 Tower Chassis

looks this case has some serious potential ;o but lian li knowing it comes with a price.. ^^

Price and Availability
The PC-X510 will be available for $399 in US in early September.

The window looks utter gash, apart from that.. this has potential, look at all that room in the top for... activities!!
A mid tower with the price tag of $399.99 ???

Ok someone smoked a maHOOsive bag of weed in the office the day they were coming up with that price XD
You've obviously never owned a Lian-Li ? ;) they're lush

We have a Lian Li Tyr PC-X1000 in work from around 2009/10, Honestly can't see what the fuss is about even back then when it was new.

The only Lian Li case that has ever made me go "Ooooh hello" is the PC-07, Now that looks good :)
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I was considering this for my next build, but the dimensions are odd, considering the height, the width sucks. I think I might have to suck up the £.40 price tag and go for the PC-O8WX, such a sexy looking case. I do like what LianLi are doing lately though.