Lga 771 compatibility?


New member
heyo I have a hp xw6600 here which only came with one heat sink.
i have 2 cpu's
im wondering if any lga 771 heat sink will fit or not.
All i have that are similar are Lga 775 and there is no way they will fit.

i also have some after market HS/fans. but those are too big to fit in the case due to the hard disk mounts.
I do have an old bracket from my big water kit i had years ago and can make that fit to hold a heat sink in place. but again i dont have any that will do the clearance thing..

so i need to know about the compatibility issues that could happen.

its a 80w cpu so dont need anything exessive.
I would foce a water block on there but i dont have a spare res so thats a no go..

would like to have one ordered and on the way before next week, but i am not paying £40 for a second hand hp one.
well the CPU's inside the xw6600 are LGA 771 CPUs so of course every 771 heat sink will fit :)

Just get any bog standard 771 heatsink and that will do you fine :)
the Hp systems dont have a stand mounting system though.
the hp blocks have sprung screws that screw in to offsets lined up underneath the retention holes.

its the same for their 775 sockets. so your standard 775 intell hs/f you get with your processor would not just fit on to a hp board. the holes do line up. but it wouldnt just clip in like they usually do. same for water blocks and so on.

the hp heat sinks definatly fit, but im not 100% sure about other issues..
say i get a 771 heat sink. and it does come with the right type of sprung screws. will the thread be compatible with the holes..

maybe i should have added a bit more detail as to why i was wondering.
added the second cpu.
i assumed it would come with 2 heat sinks (my fault)

for now i have managed to ghetto mod a old xbox heat sink on there with a bracket and some offsets and nuts from a xigmatex heat sink. It works at about 4c hotter than the propert heat sink.
but its ugly..