Leaked Driver confirms Radeon 300 series cards will feature rebrands


Average Penis Too
A leaked AMD driver has confirmed that certain Radeon 300 series cards will be rebrands.


Read more on the leaked AMD Drivers.
Could be for OEMs? They've released OEM 300 series already.

Besides a lot of rumors are saying they aren't just a name change, it's tweaked and updated to newest GCN so they can support Freesync, DX12, etc.
I don't want rumours, I want the release lol. I want to know if I have wasted my time waiting for the release of the new AMD cards (the 980ti is looking tempting depending on it's price point)...
Could be for OEMs? They've released OEM 300 series already.

Besides a lot of rumors are saying they aren't just a name change, it's tweaked and updated to newest GCN so they can support Freesync, DX12, etc.

There was one on Tech report which said that quite a few of the lower tier cards would be rebrands.


According to Tech Report the R9 380 and 360 will will support Freesync but the 370 won't and I am guessing the ones below the 360 won't either.

So it looks like the only "New" GPU's in the 300 series will be the 390 and 390x, although the 390 could possibly be a rebrand of the 290x, but we will have to wait and see.
Something has been bugging me about how the pricing structure of the new cards will work. Consensus on rumours seems to be that the R9 290 & 290X will be re-branded as the R9 380 & 380X with two new cards in the top slot(s) as per the previous generation of cards. The 290 & 290X can currently be had for £200 & £240 resectively (quick glance at Scan.co.uk who seem to be the cheapest for these cards) and the price for the top 390X is thought to be about £750 which leaves an awfuklly big price gap for the R9 390 to fill if AMD doesn't raise the prices of the rebranded 290/290X.