Just Cause 3 Screenshots Appear Online


News Guru
Just Cause 3 Screenshots have appeared online. It looks pretty darn good!


Read more on Just Cause 3 and see all the Screenshots here.
Game was announced a while ago.. release date is expected to be 2015 but no specifics yet. I'm so excited for this game. Its like GTA but better and more fun
Game was announced a while ago.. release date is expected to be 2015 but no specifics yet. I'm so excited for this game. Its like GTA but better and more fun

Well it's not really like GTA, is it. It's sandbox and that's about all they have in common.
I like both.
I still haven't played JC2 yet, although I've heard nothing but good things.

What!!!?! Get it, play it, play it some more, let it rule your life for a few months. ;) I still haven't completed the whole map yet and I've had it for just over a year now.
How strange, this is what I've been playing lately :).

If you are a fan of Lost, you need to fly to Hantu Island before having completed the "Stranded" mission. In a homage to the program, nick a jumbo and fly towards the island


When you get close to Hantu Island pop out of the jumbo and sit on top of it. If you are lucky and manage to see the tower you'll see it emit the EMP pulse :).

Time to get off the plane as it's now a burning wreck:


A hunt around coords 1743-4363 and you'll find the hatch from Lost:


God that island is bleak! There are other Lost references throughout the island.

Looking forward to Just Cause 3 more than GTA-V now.