Introducing NVIDIA AndroidWorks


News Guru
Introducing NVIDIA AndroidWorks, will it be the glorious tools that will take Andriod gaming to the next level, or another Nvidia PR disaster.


Read more on AndroidWorks here.
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Now this is interesting, what im hoping is this will allow some serious visual fidelity on mobile games, i personally don't game much, but when i do play the occasional game it makes me think, ahh the lighting could be better, or the physics are bit off.

Another thing im hoping to see the efficient use of GPU power, now anyone knows gaming on a mobile device will kill it in a few hours, with dedicated tools im hoping they wont need quadcore gpu's which results in improved battery life, im sure everyone will agree battery life is never enough.
I think this will actually take Android gaming to a whole new level. I might have to invest in a Shield TV! Nvidia GRID looks very tempting too, they're onto something good.
I hope this takes android gaming to the next level and also put more pressure on all those making GPU's for the mobile market. I love me some good competition and big corporate battles.