Yup. It's so bad the Arc 770 can beat the 3080ti.
Not played it yet. Am balls deep into a Fallout 3 playthrough on my old Xbox 1x. Soo good.
And yeah, I hear it is superb. Thankfully it is now winter, and it is right up my alley so I am saving it now until after Xmas as that is when I get a bit depressed (up until March).
I just can't deal with the janky heartbreak of Stalker all over again. I loved the first one but the mechanics were absolutely awful and it seems they have used the same ones in the second game. IE - every opponent is a bullet sponge and also a crack shot at your head. And if you installed the hack to make yours better they got even better. The first game truly broke my heart by being stunning and beautiful but completely unfair. Nothing boils up my pee more than a game that is unfair. It just sends me loopy.