In honesty we do not need a remake of NFSU2.
What we do want is a proper attempt at NFSU3. The problem is money. Things have changed, especially for EA, and thus the money going in is tiny compared to what they want coming out.
I mentioned why this is in my review on here of NFSU. This was many years ago, btw, but it hit on how they used to SPEND money on games. Things like soundtracks that were tailored for the game. I mean, of course, things like the Riders On The Storm track created specifically for the game by Snoop Dogg and etc. That would have cost strong money. Also the inclusion of real, beautiful women like Brooke Burke.
They just don't want to invest any more. We know this. What they want is a cheap, fast way of fleecing kids out of their money. So with that said? you can't expect them to turn everything they believe on its head and create another masterpiece. It just isn't happening and if it did? yes, we would be sorely disappointed from the get go when it wants us to pay for the mods we do to our cars via micro transactions.
The problem here is we want to go back to another era in time where people actually had to work hard and provide a good product in order to make money. We were not yet brainwashed by our phones and "influencers" and today it is far too easy to take rather than give.
There are so few actual games like that now. Baldur's Gate is probably the only one I can recall in recent history where they actually put serious amounts of money IN before wanting it back out.