GTA V Already Runs At 60FPS On The PC


News Guru
The old Max Payne 3 Team say that GTA V already runs at 60FPS on the PC, but what specs were they using?


Read more on GTA V running at 60FPS on PC here.
I'm guessing an ol' I5 2500/3570, 8gb ram with a 270x/760. I'd also hazard a guess that the game will support Mantle as well, as thats been rumored for a while and AMD have really promoted GTA V.
What do you mean 60FPS is that it :huh: quite frankly I hope the hardware requirements are obscene. Very excited to hear the Max Payne team have been working on it.

Probably won't buy it unless its dirt cheap. Its overrated tbh. I do hope it supports Mantle however since AMD need some good news finally. They've been silent lately.
I still won't be pre-ordering. I've completed the game on PS3 so I'll probably pick it up a few months after release. Still excited to see how good it looks on PC.