Resident Newb
So I know A LOT of us have been waiting for the superior PC version of GTA5 and have been waiting for a release date patiently ever since Rockstar announced they would release it on PC a few months ago.
Thankfully a date has been set, November 14th, Hopefully it's not just a place holder date.
The launch month of November will be quite interesting and competitive considering the line up involved -
- Far Cry 4
- Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare
- The Crew
- Evolve
- Battlefield Hardline
- Dragon Age: Inquisition
- Alien: Isolation
GTA5 cleared more than 1 billion dollars in its first 3 days on PS3 and Xbox 360, The inevitable piraters will no doubt jump on this but lets hope PC gamers buy this up as one of the main reasons for Rockstars delayed launch of GTA5 on PC is due to more copies being pirated than bought of the PC version of GTA4, Lets hope it's the reverse this time around, If not Rockstar might pull out of the PC market altogether.
Who else is looking forward to some high res GTA5 goodness as well as more modding heaven ?
Source - Click Me
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