GRID Autosport Cheap On Steam


New member
It's only £6.24 for the next 21 hours (as I type this) so that 75% off.

The DLC has 75% off too, just wondering which to get:

Grid Autosport Season Pass
GRID Autosport - Drag Pack
GRID Autosport - Touring Legends Pack
GRID Autosport - Road & Track Car Pack
GRID Autosport - Sprint Pack
GRID Autosport - Coupé Style Pack
GRID Autosport - Best of British Pack
GRID Autosport - Boost Pack
GRID Autosport - Black Edition Pack
GRID Autosport - Premium Garage Pack (N/A)
GRID Autosport - Demoman Derby Pack (Free)
GRID Autosport - High Res Texture Pack (Free)

The Season Pass says you can pick from 8 content packs, so that must be the non-free ones above surely, am I being hopeful or thick?! I ask because Steam says you can buy them all for £14.12, which would be silly if you can just buy the Season Pass for £6 and get them all.

From the reviews I'm watched and read Autosport is better than GRID 2. Those that have Autosport what do you think?

Got a real taste for racing games at the moment, just need to sort out a steering wheel.
I'm interested in the game/season pass combo(pretty cheap). Just don't think another racing game is a good idea. I don't play Asessto Corsa as much as i would like and getting another game probably wouldn't help that
It is better than 2, but it's still not the kind of game that makes me want to get my wheel out to be honest. If you have Assetto already and you've played the earlier Dirts (if that's your thing) then maybe go for it. It's not a bad game for £7 but I can't say it's hooked me at all. I don't like how driving games are shifting away from the aspirational saving up cash for cars etc like Gran Turismo 3/4/5 were. I mean yes for Assetto where you just want to drive the realistic cars immediately but Grid just doesn't progress that well for me.

It is better than 2, but it's still not the kind of game that makes me want to get my wheel out to be honest. If you have Assetto already and you've played the earlier Dirts (if that's your thing) then maybe go for it. It's not a bad game for £7 but I can't say it's hooked me at all. I don't like how driving games are shifting away from the aspirational saving up cash for cars etc like Gran Turismo 3/4/5 were. I mean yes for Assetto where you just want to drive the realistic cars immediately but Grid just doesn't progress that well for me.


So you want to earn the cars? Have a reward for getting better and doing better?
So you want to earn the cars? Have a reward for getting better and doing better?

Yeah I don't get any enjoyment out of just flicking between different teams with contract objectives. You can win every race depending on how you set the difficulty. Earlier games had more strategy to them in choosing the car and mods and saving cash versus progressing to harder races where you wouldn't do as well etc.. just a few more dynamics at play to make it a little more engaging. At the side of Assetto Grid isn't exactly involving or pleasurable to drive, taking into consideration the fact it's not a simulator I just think it needs a bit more going on in the game than it has. It would be a criticism of all current driving games not just Autosport though to be honest.

I know what your saying JR. I'm a bit of an arcade driver but wanting to progress to the more serious side (I think). I like the pick up, play and drop out aspect of Grid; Gran Turismo did my head in (licences meh!) and I think I raced about 10 times before canning it.
I'd say Assetto Corsa, or Project Cars.. Assetto is still very much a game still in development.. we don't even have AWD yet, but new cars are arriving all the time.
Assetto isn't £7 though. My point really, is if I wanted to play a generic codemasters game with a wheel it would be Dirt 2, maybe 3. Grid 2 was a great improvement over 1, I think autosport is technically better graphically and physics wise but weak in play terms. That's just my angle. Assetto is a masterpiece and PCars looks like competition.

In terms of arcade-y career-based care games I agree with Barnsley, Grid 1 was my favorite. If I'm honest I hated both Grid 2 and Autosport, thought they destroyed all I loved about Grid xD
Gran turismo was better still, but I wouldn't exactly call it arcade.

If you're looking for a fun racer I would give shift 1/2 a try... It's abit more serious/technical than grid, but I managed to finish the whole game with just a 360 pad so it can't have been that bad :P
Once you get a wheel Assetto is a must :)
The Original Grid is by far the best of the bunch. I'd personally say its better than Dirt as well.

My friend really likes the original Grid of the bunch too, surprising I really took to Dirt 2 when it first hit, perhaps they are just fond memories. I went to a launch party for Grid 2 and played the original for a few days before and it just felt like a massive improvement (both with G27), it seemed like a significant step forwards for the semi-arcadey nature. Still who remembers Fuel, lol.

I bet your all Forza guys over Gran Turismo, I think I might just step away from the potential flaming. If you've ever played any of the grid/dirt titles and thought it was ok, then Autosport is worth having for £7. It's definitely a pad game rather than a wheel game though.

I bet your all Forza guys over Gran Turismo, I think I might just step away from the potential flaming. If you've ever played any of the grid/dirt titles and thought it was ok, then Autosport is worth having for £7. It's definitely a pad game rather than a wheel game though.


I have always bought both, just never enjoyed GT as much. The series peaked at GT4 for me whereas Forza has got better. I always enjoy making cars my own. Which is what you can't do nearly as much in Gran Turismo.

Much prefer the car choice in GT.
In terms of arcade-y career-based care games I agree with Barnsley, Grid 1 was my favorite. If I'm honest I hated both Grid 2 and Autosport, thought they destroyed all I loved about Grid xD
Gran turismo was better still, but I wouldn't exactly call it arcade.

If you're looking for a fun racer I would give shift 1/2 a try... It's abit more serious/technical than grid, but I managed to finish the whole game with just a 360 pad so it can't have been that bad :P
Once you get a wheel Assetto is a must :)

I really need to get a wheel, my joypad is holding me back I reckon. Looking in to what wheels are available and going through the Process Of Justification(TM) in how much to spend on one :D.

I'll have a look out for Shift in the next Steam sale, Shift 2 Unleashed was out like four years ago, but that shouldn't be a reason not to try it.

Not having an XBox of any variety I've never played Forza. My mate is playing The Crew at the moment and really likes it, but the online reviews weren't so favourable.
I really need to get a wheel, my joypad is holding me back I reckon. Looking in to what wheels are available and going through the Process Of Justification(TM) in how much to spend on one :D.

I'll have a look out for Shift in the next Steam sale, Shift 2 Unleashed was out like four years ago, but that shouldn't be a reason not to try it.

Not having an XBox of any variety I've never played Forza. My mate is playing The Crew at the moment and really likes it, but the online reviews weren't so favourable.

If you decide on the G27 then say something and a nearly new one might just turn up at a favourable price. ;)

The crew was absolutely horrible. I can accept that sometimes realistic driving might not be appropriate for a street racer game, but... wow. Everything was so bad. Even the customization which should be the saving grace of that type of game was abysmal... worst of all, I don't know if you've played the same ''Saints Row'', but the vehicles in The Crew felt just like the cars in Saint's Row. That's not a good thing. Don't buy it :P
If you decide on the G27 then say something and a nearly new one might just turn up at a favourable price. ;)


Interesting :). Let me know how much you'd like for it (here or PM and I'll go read/watch some reviews of it. I quite like the look of the T500RS (ability to change the steering wheel) or a Fanatec wheel but they are both quite expensive.

The crew was absolutely horrible. I can accept that sometimes realistic driving might not be appropriate for a street racer game, but... wow. Everything was so bad. Even the customization which should be the saving grace of that type of game was abysmal... worst of all, I don't know if you've played the same ''Saints Row'', but the vehicles in The Crew felt just like the cars in Saint's Row. That's not a good thing. Don't buy it :P

Never played Saints Row, the reviews really put me off, it looked asinine, which was probably the whole point of the game ;). If The Crew turns up at a ridiculous price in a Steam sale I might give it a whirl, for the story :D.
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