Grand Theft Auto V release date

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Could it be true, A shop in one of the malls had a poster showing, GTA V 12 September?
Anyone have the South African release date?
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That was more or less the release date of the PS3 and 360 version last year. I assume it didn't say 2014, PS4, XXBOne or PC anywhere on it.

27th of january 2015 before i can play it properly, well shit there go my excitement levels again. I guess its nice we have a date now.
I still don't know if I am going to buy this or not, I don't usually like these games that much but after seeing it the other day and getting to play it with my mate, I think I might just pick it up for a laugh.
Boy the screenshots look great.. But i am quite negative toward screenshots from any developer of any game because, well of course they've been touched up one way or another. Regardless in my view, this seem's as it will be yet another rubbish port (lets face it all console ports to PC are) i'll let people I know be the guinea pig first for this one then I'll decide if i'll purchase.
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