Final Fantasy XIII: Lightning Returns Targets December PC Release


News Guru
Final Fantasy XIII: Lightning Returns is coming to PC and targets December 2015 release. Let's hope this is a better port than other Final Fantasy PC ports.


Read more on Final Fantasy XIII: Lightning Returns coming to PC.
Wish the released all on PC.

Im still enjoying the remaster of FF X and X-2 as well as the best they ever made FFVII.

@WYP , your OP the "read more" link just goes to the picture and not the article at

Just a heads up brah. ;)

Also, the part where it says...

The previous ports for Final Fantasy XIII games on PS have been so far less than stellar, with both of them being locked to 720p 60FPS at launch were generally considered as very buggy releases until several patches were implemented. Now both games are no longer locked to 720p, so gamers can now enjoy the game at resolutions which are above it's console counterparts.

It should be noted that yeah, resolution is selectable for both screen and shadow resolutions and MSAA is selectable too... but the port still isn't a 60fps port. The HUD actually holds the framerate back... something that could have been easily patched but never did. :p

Here's my tests that I put on imgur:

Crazy isn't it? Another way to test it? Walking around the world outside combat... if your framerate slumps? Try hitting the 1 button on your keyboard or select on a gamepad to disable your minimap... BLAM! framerate jumps up right?
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If they did a proper remake of FF VII I would buy it even if it cost as much as my PC no questions asked. First game I ever played.

I'm awaiting a FFXII remaster. Probably favorite game of all time.

That would be a load of fun. Definitely one of the unique FF games.

If they did a proper remake of FF VII I would buy it even if it cost as much as my PC no questions asked. First game I ever played.

The minor engine upgrade version on Steam is so far the best looking version to date, even spanking OpenGL on Emulators. Sadly the backgrounds weren't redone or used original source versions... might have gotten lost over time is my guess. That's the problem Double Fine ran into when doing an HD Remaster of Grim Fandango.

There is a remaster/extended version of FF VII coming to the PS4... no mention of it coming to PC though. Only time will tell if Square Enix intends to continue its renewed relationship with PC.