Far Cry 4 PC specs confirmed


News Guru
Far Cry 4's PC required specs have been revealed. Can you run it?


Read more on Far Cry 4's Required PC Specs here.
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By the looks of those specs, this is going to make a lot of users out there upgrade their hardware, and it poised to punish the hardware like Call of Duty Advanced Warfare is doing currently.

I personally can't wait for this to come out as I loved Far Cry 2 and 3 games.
This is always worth an investment because the story line is long and you have to kill to upgrade which makes the game so much more excited rather than buying a bigger loot or whatever
never mind far cry 4. i still cant play far cry 3. im just off it there now because my system blue screened again. utter tripe. i shall not be buying this until game have it in the bargain bin
put fc3 and blood dragon on my new msi laptop. ran like a dream. must be a sli thing or somehting. but i finally finished the story. it was so good.
Finally a company that can put out sensible specs. Anyone else sick of many games recently which have totally over estimated the system requirements? FC4 will look sick too, always good looking games.

8GB of RAM because it's a 64bit only title I'm guessing. That's a nice change.

FC3 had it's issues most of which were related to multiple GPU setups (I haven't played it for a few months but it certainly didn't work at all for like the first year after release in xfire/SLI)