Fallout 4 Retested HBAO+ Performance Impact


News Guru
Fallout 4 has just received a Beta update adding HBAO+. Let's have a look at the performance impact.


Read more on the performance impact of HBAO+ in Fallout 4.
As you can see in the graph above the new HBAO+ effect does have a notable performance impact on both AMD and Nvidia GPUs, with Nvidia taking the largest impace when the effect is turned on, which is pretty strange for an Nvidia optimized game.

What the heck is a Nvidia optimized game? Nvidia doesn't optimize a game. That's left to the developer.
What the heck is a Nvidia optimized game? Nvidia doesn't optimize a game. That's left to the developer.

Indeed. Just because a developer chooses to use a set of libraries from Nvidia does not mean Nvidia have optimised it.

Case in point? Fallout 4. It doesn't even work with SLI. Hardly a glowing endorsement for Nvidia...
Indeed. Just because a developer chooses to use a set of libraries from Nvidia does not mean Nvidia have optimised it.

Case in point? Fallout 4. It doesn't even work with SLI. Hardly a glowing endorsement for Nvidia...

Doesn't work with crossfire either....can't blame one without the other dude!
Doesn't work with crossfire either....can't blame one without the other dude!

It's an Nvidia Gameworks title. How can you blame AMD for that?

What I was saying in my last post was that just because a developer (like Bethesda for example) choose to use the Nvidia Gameworks library it does not mean that Nvidia have done anything to help out or make things work properly. So they usually don't, hence the "Gamedoesn'twork" joke.

Of all of the games that do not work in Crossfire most of them are Nvidia Gameworks titles. The irony being of course that they don't work in SLI either.

Usually if a game works in SLI it will work in Crossfire. The two usually go hand in hand and I don't think I have ever seen a game that works in SLI yet doesn't work in Crossfire.

However, given that I am criticizing Nvidia here for not being more hands on with Gameworks (which IMO they should, given they get their logo slapped all over a game usually unskippable at the start of the game) I think my criticism is fair.

If you load up any Gaming Evolved game (the most recent being Dirt Rally) you usually find it works superbly in both Crossfire and SLI and performs great on both formats.

Tomb Raider is another example, yet hilariously was better on two Nvidia GPUs rather than AMD.

This Gameworks crap is just breaking games if you ask me.
CF and SLI issues for Fallout 4 are entirely bethesda's fault, remember that they have not done much work on the engine since Skyrim, which didn't play too well with multi-GPU either.
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Indeed. Just because a developer chooses to use a set of libraries from Nvidia does not mean Nvidia have optimised it.

Case in point? Fallout 4. It doesn't even work with SLI. Hardly a glowing endorsement for Nvidia...

Unlike other recent gameworks games that still don't have multi GPU support, this one is entirely down to the developer. Its still that ol' skyrim engine.
Unlike other recent gameworks games that still don't have multi GPU support, this one is entirely down to the developer. Its still that ol' skyrim engine.

I totally acknowledge that. However, if I were for example Nvidia I would want that fixed and working. Quite simply because when the game comes out and pees people off they are inevitably going to blame Nvidia at least in some part.

For example, Tomb Raider. It came out and TressFX was borked on Nvidia. This wasn't AMD's fault but they worked with the devs to sort it out and sort it quickly. And they did, and it performed better on my 670 SLI than it did on my 7990.

Nvidia are benefiting from all of this. It's their logo you see when you load up a Gameworks title, so IMO they should be more hands on helping devs out on actually using it.