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LMAO!!!!! Even Pauls Hardware is making fun of your poor spelling.![]()
Like you he probably has nothing better to do.
Mallware? What's that? Does it give me a discount at the MALL?![]()
Well to be fair, he isn't wrong though...
Who cares? It's a typo, deal with it man.
As a sensitive soul I find it odd that you would s**t kick someone over a bloody typo.
You need to learn to move on from small mistakes dude.
Who cares? It's a typo, deal with it man.
As a sensitive soul I find it odd that you would s**t kick someone over a bloody typo.
You need to learn to move on from small mistakes dude.
Lastly, maybe you should take your own advice regarding moving on from small mistakes... If you make this much of an thing over me simply saying that the guy wasn't wrong.If you don't like what I post don't read it.
But the fact is that it's a typo in a headline. Professionalism comes into place. If that happened in a newspaper, the whole country would laugh.
I found it quite hilarious personally. But at the end of the day, a typo in a headline is the worst place to have it. As well as the grammar error even though that would be nitpicking. I'm guilty of doing the same in emails, and I am always called out for it.
Why are you unloading on him? All he said was that the previous poster wasn't wrong. WYP is a cool calm and nice guy, but the fact is that it's a typo in a headline. Professionalism comes into place. If that happened in a newspaper, the whole country would laugh.
I found it quite hilarious personally. But at the end of the day, a typo in a headline is the worst place to have it. As well as the grammar error even though that would be nitpicking. I'm guilty of doing the same in emails, and I am always called out for it.
I created my signature when members kept getting butthurt about my posts.
BTW I'm perfectly calm thanks. Mostly because I don't get all het up about little mistakes people make.
You know? Because I'm not a d word.
I'm not unloading.
I can't stand people who take the pee out of others for making a mistake. Why? Because people who think that way think they are perfect. You know? In order to be in a position to berate someone else you need to think your excrement doesn't stink.
I'm not surprised you're called out for it either. It's just smug, wanky behaviour.
Picking at others is bullying. Do you understand that? Good, then pack it in.
It's a mistake. That's all. It's nothing to laugh at or take pleasure in.
Maybe you should train yourself a little in understanding.
And WC yeah you're correct. Mark is a nice guy and very chilled which is why it annoys me.
Everyone makes mistakes. No one should be hung drawn and quartered over it. Or shamed by some on YouTube.
You mentioning picking at others is bullying, yet you picked at me for being the "sensitive" one in your previous post.