If I had to be picky, the only thing I don't like about the crucial SSDs is the aesthetic use of blue and silver.
I think Samsung's use of almost completely black or completely silver in the case of the EVOs is more eye pleasing. Like I said that's me intentionally just looking for an issue though
Just bought the 840 evo 500gb, great looks along with great speeds. It was the same price as this just a different e-tailer.
But I do remember buying a 60gb SSD a few years ago for more than I paid for this one!
Certainly looks like Crucial have raised the bar to astronomical heights now it is going to be interesting so see what the other manufacturers do in response
I seriously have been so close multiple times to buying this drive.. I would rather just buy a 1TB version.. but they only make up to 512GB. Shame really.
Great review. Makes samsung drives look bad. For that you pay for brand name. This you get what you (barely) pay for.