Honestly I would love for Destiny 1 to come to the PC, as I love the game especially after racking up over 1100 hours on the game.
Yes it can be repetative and get boring but you can always find something to do, and the one thing that annoys me about it on the xbox is not being able to play the PVP because of no, keyboard & Mouse support.
If Destiny 2 comes to the pc and we cannot bring our characters across, then I will struggle to buy it on the pc and not on the Xbox because I have all 3 characters to lvl 34 with 365 weapons, and a Gjallahorn on each etc.
Honestly though I do not think Destiny 1 is going to come to pc, even with the rumours of Destiny 1 being exclusive to the consoles for 1 year however if it does then I might just have to grab it and rack up some hours on it and then it will be, fun trying to do the raids and Prison Of Elders on PC.