Bungie looking for PC compatibility tester


Average Penis Too
Destiny developer Bungie is looking for a PC compatibility tester. Does this mean that Destiny is coming to PC?


Read more on Bungie looking for a PC compatibility tester.
Nice, does this mean that we will get destiny on PC?

Honestly i don't even care if we get it at this point lol.
If it does come, they will need to improve on what's there already by quite a bit by what my friends on consoles have said, an even then will it just be too late
Halo wars 2 is coming at least.

Destiny 2 is already in the making, they announced it right after releasing the first one. Ludicrous!
This makes me about as popular as a fart in a lift, but I really enjoy Destiny. I bought a PS4 specifically to play it, after I tried the beta on PS3, and it is one of my go-to games.

So Destiny on the PC properly makes my man bits moist!
So Destiny on the PC properly makes my man bits moist!


I'm personally waiting for the legendary edition for PS4. I really like the concept, and I really enjoyed the beta (on PS3 too), but I have no close friends who play it, and I don't think the game will be as much fun solo dolo. :/
i played way too much destiny on my xone and tbh im not getting the taken king dlc i already felt ripped off with the season pass and theres no way im paying £30 for a patch...

but if you got an xone and a pc running windows 10 you can stream all your xone games to the pc works quite well tbh...
Honestly I would love for Destiny 1 to come to the PC, as I love the game especially after racking up over 1100 hours on the game.

Yes it can be repetative and get boring but you can always find something to do, and the one thing that annoys me about it on the xbox is not being able to play the PVP because of no, keyboard & Mouse support.

If Destiny 2 comes to the pc and we cannot bring our characters across, then I will struggle to buy it on the pc and not on the Xbox because I have all 3 characters to lvl 34 with 365 weapons, and a Gjallahorn on each etc.

Honestly though I do not think Destiny 1 is going to come to pc, even with the rumours of Destiny 1 being exclusive to the consoles for 1 year however if it does then I might just have to grab it and rack up some hours on it and then it will be, fun trying to do the raids and Prison Of Elders on PC.