Bethesda has Officially teased Fallout 4


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Bethesda has Officially teased Fallout 4.


Read more on Bethesda's Fallout 4 Teaser and 24 hour countdown here.
I'd be happier with a new Elder Scrolls as I think they could immensely improve off of Skyrim. There's no excuse considering on Steam alone there is over 25k mods so they have plenty of ideas to go off of. But if they made both that would be amazing too:D
Some people might think this is crazy but I have more hours played on F:NV
I'm really excited but it's most probably one of those teaser trailer things
Some people might think this is crazy but I have more hours played on F:NV
I'm really excited but it's most probably one of those teaser trailer things

Bethesda usually only release in the U.S fall which is October/November. I just hope it's this fall but I got a bad feeling it isn't.
I'd be happier with a new Elder Scrolls as I think they could immensely improve off of Skyrim. There's no excuse considering on Steam alone there is over 25k mods so they have plenty of ideas to go off of. But if they made both that would be amazing too:D

You said the reason why there not going to do another Elder Scrolls game atm cause of the mods and plus Skywind is coming soon too.
go play it now, you're sorely missing out

It needs to grab you. Some people just seem to be immune from it though.

How? Beats me. I've put around 2500 hours into FO3 and FONV all told.

I've done every quest, even all of the mini quests and had all of the hidden weapons (like the MIRV and Xuanlong assault rifle)

Dart gun was the best. So cruel lol.