Battlefield 2042 will not feature Campaign or Battle Royale modes

Meh. I used to pick up the Battlefield games on sales and enjoy the campaigns. Did it with Call of Duty too. I haven't bought either franchise in years, and this has put Battlefield squarely in the "dead franchise" category for me. I know loads of people love their multiplayer games, s so I hope it's turns out as a good game for them, but for me, multiplayer only is an instant never-buy.
Meh. I used to pick up the Battlefield games on sales and enjoy the campaigns. Did it with Call of Duty too. I haven't bought either franchise in years, and this has put Battlefield squarely in the "dead franchise" category for me. I know loads of people love their multiplayer games, s so I hope it's turns out as a good game for them, but for me, multiplayer only is an instant never-buy.

Interesting, considering that as far as I'm aware, the Battlefield games has more or less always been a multiplayer game. That is what Battlefield is known for basically.
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I love the homage of the guys that used to jump out of aircraft fire a rocket, get a kill and land back in the aircraft. I can't remember the technique or crew, but it's funny as hell to watch them.

It started in BF 1942... so 20 years ago!
I love the homage of the guys that used to jump out of aircraft fire a rocket, get a kill and land back in the aircraft. I can't remember the technique or crew, but it's funny as hell to watch them.

It started in BF 1942... so 20 years ago!

Really? I only remember it happening in BF3 or 4, which got very high recognition on the web.
Interesting, considering that as far as I'm aware, the Battlefield games has more or less always been a multiplayer game. That is what Battlefield is known for basically.
I started with Bad Company as a teenager, which had a really fun campaign. Back then I did dabble in multiplayer too but still mainly played RPG's and adventure games. As I got older I lost interest in playing multiplayer, so I focus on the single player experiences. Any multiplayer I do these days is purely co-op designed experiences and only with friends. I have no interest in dealing with the general public in my down time. As I said though, that's just me, I really do hope it's a fantastic game for those that are into that kind of thing as I felt Battlefield always had some of the greatest potential in the FPS genre.
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Bad Company was the only good Battlefield campaign in recent years and that was not even recent. I can see why they dropped it in favor of focus on multiplayer

I'm disappointed in the price. If it's going to be a multiplayer only game it should reflect that in cost. They will have continued support through other methods, they shouldn't charge full price and then enticing you for money at every corner.

It'll probably be fun. Finally a good mix-up and change to the BF series but cautiously optimistic due to EA and monetization.
No single player is just lazy but then again the last 2 attempts at single player were terrible, I don't do multiplayer so this is a no go.
conquest FTW

To all the people commenting that you dont do multiplayer, why are you here, we are talking about a game thats been based on multiplayer since the beginning and if it had a singleplayer campaign it was an afterthought(except bad company). Get real with your
"im to good to play with the general public " nonsense, im stoked that we dont have resources wasted on a kiddie battle royale and a halfassed singleplayer. We hopefully will get toi have those "only in battlefield experiences" , i cant wait! To all the conquest lovers... see you on the battlefield!
The lack of a single campaign is a bit of a downer but having AI bots will be nice - I used to use the single player campaign to test graphics settings and to see if the game was working fine.

Hopefully the inclusion of bots means that we can fill out a server with bots so a 128 player game can have full teams at all times regardless of how many humans are playing.