Batman: Arkham Knight PC Patch Fixes Rain Effects and More


News Guru
Batman: Arkham Knight PC has just received a new PC patch which Fixes Rain Effects, Ambient Occlusion and More. Expect more PC patches to be coming soon.


Read more on Batman: Arkham Knight's PC Patch here.
The only thing that's really bothered me so far is the low resolution texture bug were sometimes high res textures haven't loaded at all and show these horrid plain beige textures that look like something from the PS1 days.
So basically, unimportant, because they still haven't fixed the framerate issues.

It's better than nothing, don't be one of those guys.

The only thing that's really bothered me so far is the low resolution texture bug were sometimes high res textures haven't loaded at all and show these horrid plain beige textures that look like something from the PS1 days.

This is the thing I was asking you about when you said about 4k.

I'm all for patches :)
It's better than nothing, don't be one of those guys.

This is the thing I was asking you about when you said about 4k.

I'm all for patches :)

Happens at all resolutions so far, the game at 4K looks lovely but until they fix this texture popping low res thing it will remain an eye sore even if it just happens for a 2nd, Breaks the immersion.
TekSyndicate is one of my go to channels as they don't gloss over anything they tend to tell it like it is :)

I know that's how you view them, but to me, they are just as annoying as WCCFTech is. Every video I have seen is just crap imo. I'd like to actually watch a video of someone who has experience as a programmer in the industry and their takes on it as they provide the best inside knowledge we can get instead of the things the companies publishers tell them to say.
I know that's how you view them, but to me, they are just as annoying as WCCFTech is. Every video I have seen is just crap imo. I'd like to actually watch a video of someone who has experience as a programmer in the industry and their takes on it as they provide the best inside knowledge we can get instead of the things the companies publishers tell them to say.

Same could said about other reviewers ;)
Like who? LTT? I only watch TTL.. I don't dare be disloyal and watch other tech youtubers lol:D

I like Tek Syndicate for the more tech news side of things, TTL for the indepth reviews of products and LTT, Well not too keen on him TBH, Each to their own :)

Here we go, The infamous textures not loading bug, I've noticed it's happening more and more :(

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And you guys bought that game.... No company should get any money for a work that sloppy from the first day on a game that had been launched for consoles and worked fine there