We have two very different takes upon the GTX960, and first up is the ASUS Strix.
ASUS GTX960 Strix Review
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The problem, for me - and I'm aware I'm likely in a minority here - is that it does not appear to be SLI capable, meaning no "just add another" upgrade path nor being able to take on higher-end single GPU's at a similar overall price point.
Still, the power draw and over clocking potential are very impressive, the former maybe appealing to those with older kit who just want a GPU upgrade without the associated potential PSU costs of more power-hungry GPU's.
Waiting is not a problem.. cash how ever is :lol: although we do have more in the way of GPUs coming in Q2 this year from AMD who "promise" something special.If U can wait, GTX 960 Ti ends up with 3GB and 192-bit bus.
I based ^this on that empty places for VRAM on 960's PCBs.
Waiting is not a problem.. cash how ever is :lol: although we do have more in the way of GPUs coming in Q2 this year from AMD who "promise" something special.
And when is this?...