ARM's "ARM China" problem has just gotten much worse

While this is really bad form, it was going to happen and without being too political the west did fall into this by putting too many eggs in that basket and the way to handle it is simple, cut them off pull out of the market and let them lose the money they gain by getting no export sales, they are this way due to the money they make off the west so i think it's high time they live without it, of course this wouldn't end well in the longer term but does anyone with half a brain not see that it's not going too anyway ?
Why the surprise?

Why are people surprised? It's the Chinese way to just steal everything; they probably do more industrial espionage than the rest of the world combined.
While this is really bad form, it was going to happen and without being too political the west did fall into this by putting too many eggs in that basket and the way to handle it is simple, cut them off pull out of the market and let them lose the money they gain by getting no export sales, they are this way due to the money they make off the west so i think it's high time they live without it, of course this wouldn't end well in the longer term but does anyone with half a brain not see that it's not going too anyway ?

They make a lot of money from the west because all the board members and CEO's in the West made themselves richer by shipping all the jobs and manufacturing to China... Greed on both sides has got us to this point.
Oh i understand that, look through history they will soon dump them and goto where the cheapest wage is, doesn't take long in the grand scheme of things, thing is it's mostly the west that causes these issues to start with.