News Guru
AMD R9 Fury X2 launching in December, offering two full Fury X cores, 1TB/s of memory bandwidth and over 8000 GCN GPU cores.
Read more on AMD's R9 Fury X2 GPU.
Read more on AMD's R9 Fury X2 GPU.
The theoretical performance is 2x the standard FuryX but in reality you will only get a maximum of 80% more performance
Based on SLI and Crossfire results since the start of the trend of SLI and Crossfire. Its not that hard to find the evidence online.And this is based on what evidence?
I hope AMD sort their drivers out for this. They usually do when they launch a dual GPU monster.. Just wish they had the same enthusiasm after the fact.
I installed Crimson on my rig and it absolutely decimated graphics performance in FO4. I had to remove it and go back to the betas, which thankfully I keep and store because AMD have discontinued them on their site.
I still want to Xfire my Fury X with a Nano, but prices are still on the wrong side of stupid.
Maybe early next year will be a better time to buy.
How do I remove the patch?
The big question is can they launch at 999.99 or 1500.00. If it can't get out the door for less than 1000.00, I think its dead in the water.
the 295x2 was £1100 wasnt it?
I don't have the game but I think it's the same as every game on steam. Just right click on FO, click properties at the bottom, go to beta tab, then opt out of the beta.
the 295x2 was £1100 wasnt it?