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AMD have taped out their first 14nm FinFET Products. Will Zen come within a year?
Read more on AMD's first FinFET Products here.

Read more on AMD's first FinFET Products here.
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I hope this is for zen, an I hope zen itself is a brilliant architecture. ....amd need a few good wins
They won't win. From what I have read it should be within 10% of Haswell E. However, it needs to be cheaper with more cores. So for example, a 5960x type CPU for £450 would kill it, providing they didn't over spend on dev.
Anything you will have read is pure speculation, No one bar AMD knows the performance of these chips.
I really hope AMD's next gen CPU's will be able to compete with Intel's.
AMD needs strong cores to survive as it's fighting on 2 fronts...
Honestly don't get excited. Intel have now hit Moore's law with their CPU technology, and AMD simply do not have the money in place to be able to do so with Zen.
I don't think Dice realises how much research I have done on Zen, but all noises are that it will be slower than Haswell E, it just shouldn't cost anywhere near as much and typical of AMD will have lots of cores, up to 16 IIRC.
AMD were doing very well with their massively cored Opterons right up until Intel started releasing X79 and X99 workstation chips for less money (5820k etc).
I would imagine they will slot straight back into the server/ws market with Zen which is where they have had lots of success..
Wasted your time tbh. It's over a year away and not even finalized let alone any engineering samples existing. No point in "researching" about it let alone speculating. Speculation occurs when the product is finalized and the chip starts mass production and they start dropping hints here and there to get the hype train going.
Honestly don't get excited. Intel have now hit Moore's law with their CPU technology, and AMD simply do not have the money in place to be able to do so with Zen.
I don't think Dice realises how much research I have done on Zen, but all noises are that it will be slower than Haswell E, it just shouldn't cost anywhere near as much and typical of AMD will have lots of cores, up to 16 IIRC.
AMD were doing very well with their massively cored Opterons right up until Intel started releasing X79 and X99 workstation chips for less money (5820k etc).
I would imagine they will slot straight back into the server/ws market with Zen which is where they have had lots of success..
Everyone and their aunt is an expert about Zen even though it's over a year away before it comes out...
Fact is anything we hear is rumor and hearsay nothing more, Don't believe anything until AMD gives real information.
They just ruin everything and get people moaning and whining.