AMD announces Catalyst Omega driver


News Guru
AMD announces Catalyst Omega drivers with Virtual Super Resolution, Freesync and up to 29% performance boost.


Read more on AMD's Omega Driver here.
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i really was tempted with g-sync but the price and there are not that many monitors out using it and the fact the upgrade kits are no longer for sale seems to me nvidia not trying hard as they should to push it.

With free sync i cannot wait i have always had issues with stuttering and screen tearing and i would love to get rid of that
I like how they took DSR, changed the D to a V and called it VSR :D
About time AMD got a proper downsampling solution though, up until now GeDoSaTo was the only option that worked on AMD cards. Only problem is it doesn't work with all games and you have to configure it to work for each game.
I like how they took DSR, changed the D to a V and called it VSR :D

AMD has been doing that quite a bit lately :b Though you cant really blame them for wanting to be able to offer the same, if not similar perks as the other camp to make their product more appealing..
Does anyone think this will bring any performance on the cpu side or is this straight up just GPU

They might have minor enhancements like microcode but that's usually done via Windows or Bios updates but it's more akin to stability updates/tweaks.
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I wish AMD would announce new graphics cards rather than drivers. :( Ant not some rebranded version of their current cards. They need to put something out to keep up with the GTX 970 and 980.
I wish AMD would announce new graphics cards rather than drivers. :( Ant not some rebranded version of their current cards. They need to put something out to keep up with the GTX 970 and 980.

No actually, they dont. The 290 and 290x are more than capable of holding their own. Granted I personally wouldnt chose to purchase a 290x at this stage in time. Quite frankly what you would get from AMD if they released a GPU instead of this would be more or less a rebrand anyways. They arent able to release their GPUs on the new node just yet and they have chosen to stick with their current lineup instead of doing what Nvidia did with their Maxwell arch which was intended for 20nm I believe.
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AMD announces Catalyst Omega d

Have not tried this version.But the last update I run from AMD for my graphic card was a terrible messSo I skip this until they are making a total stable version of the driver.
This is a "total stable" version of the driver.... There have been no major issues reported. In fact this driver was rolled out to address the so called "terrible mess" you experienced.
AMD drivers did go down hill recently a bit IMO. Not alot, just had noticibly more issues with my 280x.

Then again, that is my bastard card and its probably just breaking more. :(
No actually, they dont. The 290 and 290x are more than capable of holding their own. Granted I personally wouldnt chose to purchase a 290x at this stage in time. Quite frankly what you would get from AMD if they released a GPU instead of this would be more or less a rebrand anyways. They arent able to release their GPUs on the new node just yet and they have chosen to stick with their current lineup instead of doing what Nvidia did with their Maxwell arch which was intended for 20nm I believe.

It is rumored new cards will be announced Jan/early feb iirc. They are taking longer because they are *rumored* going to 20nm and are just waiting for more mass production to take place at the fabs.