Alphacool NexXxoS Monsta 140mm any good?


New member
so im trying to replace my old thermaltake 120mm rad that lives in the bottom of my Haf 922.
i was wondering if the monsta is that much better than a standard 140mm rad "its a lot fatter"
i cant fit anything larger than a 140 at the bottom...

i already have a 240 mounted at the top.
and i removed one of my other 120's for the asthetics.
i want to get a 140 to help make up for it.

i am also planning on going 90% accrylic tubing after i have it done. As i have a bay res i will have 2 pvc tubes in the loop any way so i can slide it in and out for filling..

any way basically im trying to find the best 140mm rad i can it dosent matter if its restrictive because as i said already ditched a 120mm because it was making it look a mess. and causing some pipes to kink.. this just will not do..

Currently only cooling my cpu "very well may i add" but i will be trying to liquid cool my next gpu which i will buy when/if my 7850 sells "it has a stupid issue so i dont know if it will sell. and is also the reason i am selling it and not just water cooling that"

any ideas would be nice.
i tend to use 10mm ID tubing with G4 fittings if that helps narrow things down although fittings will eventually get changed out due to the accrylic. but as i said 2 tubes in the loop will remain 10mm id pvc.

in case any one is wondering the loop will go.
res down to pump down to 140mm rad up to gpu up to cpu up to 240mm rad across to res.

possibly later on it will go:
res down to pump down to 140mm rad up to gpu up to 80mm rad across to cpu up to 240mm rad across to res.
if i do go for a extra 80mm rad "which i most probably will" it will be a alphacool nexxxos xt45

i do like to use THE MOST possible rad space available to me so i can have the fans on silent even after heavy over clocking and running IBT for 3 hours.
My main concerns with cooling is Temperatures at high over clocks. Noise levels under extreme load (IBT) and then in a very very VERY distant 3rd asthetics. although i will not mount rads outside my case they have to fit inside. and not impeed functionalit and accessibility to an extent where i have to drain the loop to do something..
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Monstas are great rads, can't really go wrong to be honest. Get some decent fans to blow through it and you'll be all set.
i guess my main concern is: will it cool a lot better than a 140mm rad that is not as thick. and because it is so thick will i have to use noiser fans to compensate for the static pressure.
i guess my main concern is: will it cool a lot better than a 140mm rad that is not as thick. and because it is so thick will i have to use noiser fans to compensate for the static pressure.

No :/ it's all about frontal area. They may be hugely thick but they are also extremely low FPI.

If performance comes first over aesthetics for you why shell out on rigid tube and fittings to have not quite enough rad space when you could buy a bigger case and make a proper upgrade and achieve uber quiet coolness. If you read your entire post it seems logic has not been applied IMO, Monsta's don't suddenly become the equivalent of having a 240 because they are bit extra thick.

really cant affoard a bigger case bearly scraped the funds to buy the 922 second hand.. i also need to upgrade my gpu. so really if its a matter of £60 for a radiator. or £300 for a case and radiator it is really a no brainer..

I know i can get a 140 in the bottom of the 922 and i also know currently it has enough rad space to get the job done for what im currently cooling. (240 + 120)
il happily just buy a 140 regular rad if it wont make much of a difference getting the monster..
And later on i will add the 80 at the back.

although what you said sugests that i should get the monsta if i want less noise.

And its not a matter of logic. it realy is a simple matter of i dont have that much money to spend in 1 lump. i can get a rad now. and use my pvc tubing then slowly buy fittngs and tubing..
with buying a new case that will let me do what i want i am looking at an initial out lay of much more than i would be able to spend.

also as for removing 2x 120's and replacing them with 1x 140 I do not expect it to work out as the same area/cooling capabilities..
the mounting for one of the 120's was just stupid. i had to cable tie it to the drive bay messed up my pump positioning had me running horrible tubing arround.. it just wasnt working.
also as i mentioned later on i do plan on adding a 80mm rad at the back of the case where the exhaust fan would usually go. i dont have the clearance to mount a 120 there but a 80mm should fit ok. which again wont quite make up for it in rad space. but astheticlly it will be a lot better and cooling wize it shouldnt be that far off.
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You don't need to spend £300 for a case and rad, you can get a decent 240 rad for £40 or even a 360 rad for less than 50 quid, then a case for £50. your nearly there with the £60 for the Monsta rad alone.

JR23 hit the nail on the head mate to be honest, you'd be better off going for a new case. No matter what thickness 140/120 rad you get their cooling performance isn't worth the hassle.
I understand there are always constraints on the budget but to me it sounded as if you were going to very slowly spend quite a lot of money and end up with a solution that falls way short of optimal.

Yes it's true there are slight variances between thickness/FPI/internal tube cross section/fans/push/pull but they are all negligible against frontal area. While the Monsta does generally find a sweet spot it really is an aesthetic choice over anything. Also you have to consider as well that Monsta's hold considerably more coolant and the more coolant you have in the system the longer it will take to respond to changes in temperature which is both an advantage and a disadvantage I guess.

Your talking about acrylic tube, new fittings, two new radiators, no doubt new fans thats gonna add up really fast to way more than a case and one nice radiator. I haven't got time to sit about and look/think about your exact situation, and I don't know what it is, but i'm just trying to say if your being limited by surface area then waiting and investing a little more in the right case for the job and the right radiators is the way forward. Your aren't going to see a big leap forward going to a slightly thicker 140 and adding an 80 is all i'm saying. Neither of those sizes are particularly easy to buy fans for either so it's probably going to end up getting louder. :huh:

in all honesty if i was to change form the 922 it would be to a 900d that + a rad would be £300 or more.

i would like to agree that the cooling solution is sub optimal that way i could convince my self but honestly with my set up now i can keep my over clocked 2500k 4.3 (1.35v) at less than 70c even with Ibt running without the fans going above 60% and 2 of them are slim fans on the 240
my 2500k isnt the best for oc but i got the extra 1ghz out of it bearly within the voltage constraints.
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I guess if you refuse everything inbetween a 922 and a 900D it does look like an expensive way to go :mellow: That seems like a bonkers proposition considering you've just got one graphics card when there are so many nice and inexpensive cases inbetween the two.

Being forced to have slim fans and 80mm rads etc is just not nice when your forking out basically the same money as proper sized stuff. I would of thought 450D for £90 stick your 240 in the front, get a 360 for up top and away you go. I mean a 360 ST30 is over £10 cheaper than a 140mm monsta and it gives you a massive choice of fans that will all perform well, you wouldn't even need more fittings :eek:

i will have a look at the 450d..
has tom done any reviews on it (if so can you link me to a vid?)
i was dissapointed in the 922 to be fair. its not tall enough forcing me to use slim fans "scythes" although they do the job very well.

the gpu will only be one though as my board can only have one pci-e card.
(i really dont have the money to spend on my hobby any more with my wife and an autistic daughter, my wife is ameican with no recourse to public funds and cant work for 10 years and i have to pay over £600 every 2 n 1/2 years to renew her visa. also as i have to legaly be abigails full time carer i cant go do the work i used to do when i got in to this hobby)

but enough of that it sounds a bit self pittying when the truth is i love my wife and daughter and i am much better off with them and no ammount of money or computer parts could possibly change that view.

but like i said if you could link a 940d vid id be happy to watch it. the 922 is to short and upset me a bit when i got it although it is a Lot better than my trend sonic wizard that i upgraded from in terms of space. and for a gpu i may think about a 7990 if i can affoard one but i would much prefer a single gpu card to be honest.

Monstas are great if you put enough air through them when you need to, and it doesn't take much to be honest. I have some gentle typhoons at 5v which put enough through and the combination it very quiet. Single rad radiators aren't ideal but if that's all you have space for then...
the 450d dosent have enough drive bays i use my drive bays for 2 bay res a dvd player and also my pump so i need 4 bays minimum