Activision is considering making Call of Duty Remasters.


News Guru
Activision have been having "talks and thinks about" remastering the Call of Duty series for modern platforms. Would you be interested in a COD4 Remaster?


You can read more on Call of duty Remasters here.
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I would love to see a proper remastered version of COD 2,4 and 5 with proper servers not the stupid p2p or none rentable dedicated servers.

With the latest COD games they are removing features and support from the pc version and slowly killing it off on the pc.

IIRC the pc version now only has around 4K people playing it around the globe, and within 2 months only had around 6K players.

I remeber Ghosts had less than 6K after 1 month and I gave up on both Ghosts & AW after a couple of months due to how bad they are.

Black Op's 3 imho is the last chance saloon for COD on the PC, if it fails like I think it will then I will just have to laugh because they have not listened to any of the pc players for 6 years now.
Meh cod died for me as soon as it hit the casuals (back with the xbox 360 launch and the availability of call of duty 2 on it)
The game has just gone down hill as soon as it left the pc behind its just a cash cow now.
Wouldn't mind them making CoD, and CoD2. A lot of the other ones I don't play anymore, but the first two CoD's had some of the best campaigns they have ever made.
Remaking the older games (CoD1, 2 and 4) would be good as they were very different to what we have now aka had a storyline rather than 99% focused on multiplayer.
However I would prefer a new IP rather than more additions to the dozen games in the series.
Yes the campaign in CoD2, 4 and 5 were brilliant. In 2 and 5 mainly because most the big battles actually existed at some point in history.

I'm just afraid if they're going to remake 2, they'll add in all the shit like classes and perks. I hope they don't. The only thing they really need to add is sprinting, just keep the rest as original as possible except for graphics. Although then again if they sell if for full price then I will consider it a massive ripoff.
I don't get it.. Isn't this what they've been doing since MW1? Perhaps with the exception of CoD:Titanfall-- I mean Advanced Warfare
Even a new COD would be ok but this gen has turned into the remastered generation instead of new stuff.
I know what you mean. But I can't imagine they look at anything else other than the possible cash income.
I mean sure a new IP might be the best thing they ever published but it also might be a huge flop, where on the other hand CoD will still sell fairly well no matter how broken a product it is. I think we've seen that happen time and time again over the years.