3dfx is "scheduled to return this winter with new graphics cards" - Is this real?

Now suspecting that it's just going to be a "branding" exercise, new stickers on a card made by someone else.
It's not going to be a card at all. The copyright has probably expired, meaning some Chingrish company has picked them up and will put logos on cheap Chinese tat.
According to the United States Patent and Trademark Office the trademark for 3dfx is still dead. Meaning it's all fake. If someone wanted to use it, they would have had to get it activated and seeing as Nvidia bought them... ya good luck with that.
Of course it's fake. That shouldn't be surprising to anyone. The sad, in fact the pathetic thing is how easily tech websites are duped into reporting on these types of rumors. That's just bad journalism.
The brand name has apparently been resold. I don't think that its bad journalism. It has you talking about it after all.
So clickbait = good journalism?

It has us talking about a non-story. About a troll story. Not checking the status of the trademark or at the very least sending an e-mail to the people supposedly behind the new 3dfx before jumping on the bandwagon of reporting on rumors is bad journalism.

The brand name has apparently been resold. I don't think that its bad journalism. It has you talking about it after all.

If it's been resold it would have updated the patent status. Otherwise it would be illegal to use the brand name even if they are in talks about purchasing it from Nvidia.

This isn't the first time a troll attempt had been made with 3dfx. I mean they would have made patent submissions for their brand new architecture but there's nothing.
Think the twitter account originally linked to this has been taken down or something, and it seems one has been made in its place https://twitter.com/3dfxofficial

It's probably a troll but it's a pretty harmless one, don't think reporting on it has done much harm, and Mark does mention doubts on its legitimacy from the start of the article