3D Printed Building Created in China


New member
Chinese based company WuSun have created the worlds first 3D printed apartment building. In March last year they claimed to have printed ten buildings in just twenty-four hours using a 3D printer that uses a mixture of both ground waste and industrial waste along with fast-drying cement and a special bonding agent to keep things securely together.

WuSun has now demonstrated its 3D printing capabilities by giving us a five storey apartment building and a 1100 square-metre villa completely decorated on display in Suzhou Industrial Park, Jiangsu.

The printer used to create these buildings is developed by Ma Yihe who has been producing 3D printers for over a decade. and stands 6.6 metres tall, 10 metres wide and 40 metres long. The building is produced in parts in WuSuns facility, then brought to site were its completed using steel reinforcements and insulation to comply with building standards.


Here are a few images of the finished 3D printed buildings.



