Z87 Pro/4770k confusion on BIOS requirements

Mr Whippy

New member
It seems I'm running 1007 bios but it says to run a much later one (1707) for 4th Gen Intel chips, which apparently the 4770k is?


I'm wondering if this is why I've had some really crappy results from AI Suite auto-over-clocking and other stuff going on.

Also does anyone know if the fan controls via BIOS are better on later versions? It seems min speeds are about 60% duty cycle while in Fan Xpert you can run much better numbers (or even off values)


Pah, updated it all and it's still got the cruddy limited fan specs via bios leaving the machine way too noisy even at idle.

But I updated to the latest AI Suite and that allows nice quite fans again.

ASUS are pretty crappy to not allow better fan setup via BIOS, and needing their bloat-ware AI Suite to enable quiet fan speeds.
Or just let you add the fan software independently of all that other software.

As much as ASUS make some ok software I'm still a bit shocked how shonky some of these apps they provide are considering they deal with controlling your £££ hardware!
