Youtube Logo


New member

I was wondering if anyone can help me make a YouTube logo

Please send me a message if you can help

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what do you mean by a Youtube logo?

I THINK he means a 'logo' for his YouTube account. Although normally when you ask people to make you an icon/avatar for something like that (especially if it's something you plan on doing professionally) you'll have to pay them so I can imagine not a lot of people are interested in that.
Aye Feronix is right, I make a lot of wallpapers and logos and also do image repair (old photos) and I charge anywhere from £25 - £45 an hour depends on the size of the job. I do alot of signatures and avatars for these forums but that is free and out of respect for fellow users.

My advise is google the prerequisites needed for your task, and have a look at GIMP or Inkscape both great image editing programs, there are quality tutorials on youtube which will teach you the basics.

Now on the other hand if your after a rendered video intro then again like with image programs there are a few out there you can use, you wont get animated stuff done for free though.
You should maybe also include some information what you want, otherwise I'd make you a brony avatar and maybe a pedobear
I can knock up a static image in Photoshop for free, give me a rough idea of what you want.

If its an animated intro you're after, it won't be free.
Aye Feronix is right, I make a lot of wallpapers and logos and also do image repair (old photos) and I charge anywhere from £25 - £45 an hour depends on the size of the job. I do alot of signatures and avatars for these forums but that is free and out of respect for fellow users.

My advise is google the prerequisites needed for your task, and have a look at GIMP or Inkscape both great image editing programs, there are quality tutorials on youtube which will teach you the basics.

Now on the other hand if your after a rendered video intro then again like with image programs there are a few out there you can use, you wont get animated stuff done for free though.
Thanks be in contact wraith