Youtube is getting annoying again


New member
Youtube has screw up subscriptions feed again i mean why is google keeps on screwing around with Youtube they seem to be doing it all of the time now.

Here is a screenshot that i have taken on it i really don't like this layout, If this is going to be the new layout i completely hate it.

One mans garbage is another mans treasure I guess. I certainly see where your coming from though. They should just go with "dont fix what aint broken.."
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Thats why. Well your either going to have to live with it or go back to win 7/8. I would just live with it though.
Thats why. Well your either going to have to live with it or go back to win 7/8. I would just live with it though.

I think i worked it out it has nothing to do with the OS, It looks like it has something to do with Chrome x64 i download the x86 version and now it's displaying how it should be, Cause i've even had this issue even on Windows 7 as well.
Nah I was just confused, cause I had the same problem when I was using W10 and when I went back to win 7 it was gone.
Google are known to A/B test this stuff randomly. You may very well get a beta test while 80% of visitors don't. It's fairly normal
I prefer this layout, although I would like the option to remove certain videos from my feed if I'm not interested enough to watch them.

I know I can ignore them, but my OCD doesn't let me leave a video unless it has the "watched" overlay.
Youtube has screw up subscriptions feed again i mean why is google keeps on screwing around with Youtube they seem to be doing it all of the time now.

Here is a screenshot that i have taken on it i really don't like this layout, If this is going to be the new layout i completely hate it.


Not relevant, how did you get the background to black instead of white?