Youtube adding 60FPS support, Finally!


News Guru
YouTube announced today it's adding two new features in the near future that will benefit both viewers and content creators: the ability have 60 frames per second video playback and upload options.


First I will talk about framerate. Support for both 48FPS content and 60FPS content will enable movie trailers and even gameplay footage to be viewed with much higher clarity. Early examples of 60FPS and 48FPS footage can be found here, but there is also one of the example videos below.

Watching the Titanfall gameplay below, it has an obvious jump in quality and fluidity compared to a traditional 30FPS recordings.

The options made available by this upgrade in youtube's performance is undoubtedly a good thing, many content creators and viewers have been asking for this. Perhaps with this move there will also be an opportunity to highlight to certain people (ahem, console devs, ahem) that 60FPS is superior to 30.

This is undoubtedly a good thing, more options are always welcome, but what do you guys think of it? Do you see the much improvement? As always please post your thoughts and feelings below.

Source - Youtube Creators Blog
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Awesome, this looks way better than 30 fps. I hope there is a framerate option in the videos though, because 60 is harder to stream than 30.
Meh, i'd rather have a lower compression rate than 60fps but still 60fps is a good thing, it is about time they started supporting it.
I'm now just waiting for the 60FPS vs 30FPS videos. Hopefully it will set a few console devs straight.

This will also be good for uploading videos which demo the affects of G-Sync and Free Sync. Do you guys remember that Nvidia video from a few months back?
Finally. Means that no one should ever record at 30fps. Heck I don't think I ever have, even back in the days when my gts 450 and i3 550 couldn't muster 60 on most games :')

But, if I want to do slomo in the future I must cap in 120fps or something, which is a case of no-can-do at the moment. ^^
How long has it been that you've been able to upload in 4k? Come to think of it that should only be out now while 60fps should have been introduced ages ago.
It feels weird but feels amazing.
Definitely works well for gaming vids not sure about other genres though, however, it is optional so win.
Doesn't this suck up more bandwidth? So it will be harder for people with slower internet to watch in 60fps? Or is it optional to watch it in 60fps?

Next they need to fix the quality of videos. Make it so less compression occurs and less detail is lost.
Doesn't this suck up more bandwidth? So it will be harder for people with slower internet to watch in 60fps? Or is it optional to watch it in 60fps?
It's optional, also booohooo.

Next they need to fix the quality of videos. Make it so less compression occurs and less detail is lost.

That. I am tired of rendering in 50MBit/s to make the quality acceptable.
I've got a shit internet at the moment, the 60fps videos seemed to buffer just fine, they might be restricted to same bitrate. I am feeling too lazy to check now, however. :-P
Youtube is a real pain when it comes to quality. Some day I'll upload in 1440p in the hope it'll fix it.
Have you guys tried the 4K trick with youtube? You get better quality videos buy doing it, i've known about it for a while but only tried it today.

Record your vids in 1080p and 50Mb\s bitrate, then render your videos with a the same bitrate of 50Mb/s but with a res of 3840x2160. Filesize will be the the same as if you rendered it in 1080p.

When you upload it to youtube, it will allocate a higher bitrate to your video and they will look much better.
I don't know what watching a vid like this is like on a res above 1080p quality wise, but watching the 2160p upload of the video you uploaded on youtube on a 1080p screen looks good.

Here is the vid I did using that method, make sure you watch it in 2160p.
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