XSPC Fans any good?


New member
Finally got round to ordering a watercooling kit (XSPC RayStorm D5 Photon RX360 V3 kit) and i want to use corsair sp120 mm fans which were out of stock, im thinking of using the included XSPC fans as the pull layer on the rad and am wondering if they are upto much ? also will those 3 fans in a pull config be ok to cool a 2600k at 4.5ghz and 1.38V until the corsair fans are back in stock? I plan on using the corsair fans as the push layer. :)
They will work but they are louder than the corsairs and dont perform anywhere near as well. Just go to another shop and order some SP120 quiet editions - you can even get LED fans now
cheers TTL, think i will order some from a different shop. ive ordered some UV LED bulbs (will add a cold cathode in time) and UV Red coolant so if I can get red LED fans i'll probably go for them. for the second reply id love to have all noctua fans in my system but cant afford them plain and simple haha
I would not say that the xspc fans are terrible, they are good for the price - but you need some kind of fan controler to keep them around 1200-1300 rpm.
Ordered some more of the Corsair SP120 fans earlier on there, cannot wait for it all to be delivered ! Gotta week off work for me birthday so I'm gunna spend me time putting it together. It is my first water cooling kit as well, my noctua nh-d14 has served me well but I've always wanted to do me own water loop ! Is it necessary to flush the loop with it being new kit ?
Ordered some more of the Corsair SP120 fans earlier on there, cannot wait for it all to be delivered ! Gotta week off work for me birthday so I'm gunna spend me time putting it together. It is my first water cooling kit as well, my noctua nh-d14 has served me well but I've always wanted to do me own water loop ! Is it necessary to flush the loop with it being new kit ?

Nice nice and well, most of the people recommend it just to be sure nothings left c;
Ok I'll buy some de-ionised water and give everything a flush before adding the coolant. Two last questions how often do you guys change yr coolant and perform a maintenance flush ? And was wondering if the backplate from my currently installed noctua nh-d14 be ok to be used in conjunction with the cpu block or would that be a bad idea ?
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