Xbox One Owners Can Now Stream Games to Windows 10 Devices


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Xbox One Owners Can Now Stream Games to Windows 10 Devices. Will any of you use this feature?


Read more on Xbox One Streaming coming to Windows 10 here.
No PC gamer will take this seriously, but an Xbox User will appreciate being able to play on their tablet or laptop in a different room if the TV is in use.
I might have taken an interest if it was the other way around. Might even have thought of purchasing an XBoned. Oh well, still leaning towards a PS4. Just nothing has put me over the edge to purchase one yet.
This would actually be good if you can switch it over to your PC and use a mouse and keyboard for certain games :)

Yey lets do more trolling :mellow: seriously, news?


A lot of PC gamers do infact own consoles ergo this is welcome news.
I tried it yesterday and I'm not impressed. There's even more lag than streaming a game from a server far away, like PS Now(servers are in the US and I'm in Denmark), and the image is compressed even more. Text is hard to read, textures looks muddy and so on.

Pretty dissappointed even though I didn't plan on using it.
This could be useful for certain Xbox Exclusives like Forza and Halo, and it's realistically the best chance of playing these games on PC
Could we, as a collection of PC enthusiasts, vote to instantly ban any posts relating to Playstation and Xbox ? Please.
Could we, as a collection of PC enthusiasts, vote to instantly ban any posts relating to Playstation and Xbox ? Please.

Do they offend you?

Pretty cool if you ask me, but I'll be more interested to see how steambox and nvidea console things eat into the console market. I think next gen consoles will eventually move to a more streaming type service anyway.
They don't offend me and I'd love it if we could all just get along but I do get slightly P'd off when the little plug n' play minions question my interest in computers. I'll never forgive Rockstar for releasing GTA titles on console before PC.
They don't offend me and I'd love it if we could all just get along but I do get slightly P'd off when the little plug n' play minions question my interest in computers. I'll never forgive Rockstar for releasing GTA titles on console before PC.

Pretty sour to say that.. You are mad at R* because they made the game on console first where the more money was to be mad from? You can't blame them for that. Businesses need to make money to continue. Besides by making it on consoles first it just means they got more time and more funding to improve the PC version like adding First Person and etc. If they made it consoles 2nd I doubt we would have this feature as well as others..

While I do have an Xbone in my house(not mine) I can't see myself going out of my way to take it and set it up next to my computer and stream games even if they are exclusive. TBH i'd rather just turn it on and immediately start playing exclusives like Halo or GoW.
TBH i'd rather just turn it on and immediately start playing exclusives like Halo or GoW.

I like that plan but I find (With my PS3) I need to update it every time I turn it on or play a new game. I don't use it often but it's frustrating that it always seems to need attention.

Back on topic - I wouldn't use the streaming app unless it had a comparable feel - lag/response/quality etc although that's probably less important for offline games.

Yeah there would be times it would be nice like when the kids want to xbox but you want to watch something on the TV. I can see how it fits with their vision of the XBONE being central to the family entertainment unit without having to have an xbox in every room.

How far away do you think we are from an XBone (or successor) just running Windows 10 and having true continuity across devices? Plex for Games.
They don't offend me and I'd love it if we could all just get along but I do get slightly P'd off when the little plug n' play minions question my interest in computers. I'll never forgive Rockstar for releasing GTA titles on console before PC.

Aren't you doing the exact opposite? and questioning peoples interest in consoles?

I'll give this streaming test a try later and see how well it works. One of the things i did like with my xbone is that it updates while its not even switched on :)

You do hear the disk become active sometimes in the night so you know its doing something. I have never had to wait when turning it on. I mainly use it for Netflix right now.

I have noticed latest update has borked the voice commands though. I can turn on and off but nothing else works.
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