X99 M/Board Smoke Issue was there a solution?


New member

After reading about a X99 motherboard (and reported to be more than one) going up in smoke and taking out a chip as well.

As per...

I was wondering if anyone knew of any more sources where this had happened and if they had been any updates else where to what is causing this.

It's 'suspected' that it was the Corsair PSU that was used. The original ‘old’ AXi series power supplies that has no OCP enabled by default (more info on the above page).

Imagine spending that kind of spondoolies, to see it go up in smoke.
that looks a lot like what hapens when you run to much voltage/amps to your cpu. they neglected to tell us what voltages the cppu was running at then. i think that would be a big factor.

having aid that i havent personally seen that happen since lga 775 boards. (although i have heard of it happening on amd boards. with low power phazes)