Witcher 3 Issues


New member
Soooooo I purchased Witcher 3 on g2a and was given a code to download it from GoG Galaxy. After finally installing it (slow broadband) I noticed that I could not for the life of me get the game to run without crashing. I had to search though the bin/x64 files to find the launcher and then run it as admin. However even then it would crash with "The Witcher 3 has stopped working" error message.
I have had the game for nearly 2 weeks and have only managed to play 1-2 hours of it so far. Has anybody else had issues with the game on GoG client? My other friends who have it on steam have had no issues with it at all.
using it via the gog client, no issues whatsoever so far, 40+ hrs logged. sorry dude. havnt even read of any user complaints about it either, save yourself of course.

i know there was some kepler driver issues about, but hmm which driver are you on?

or you can try manage-verify/repair option from the launcher more drop down menu?
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GoG Galaxy here for me too, 51 hours logged and no crashes yet only thing I can think of is that your slow internet connection may have caused a bad file in the process, have you tried verify/repair from the manage options in Galaxy.
Im a GoG player too, not had any issues actually GoG has been abosloutely stellar. As the other gents have suggested try verifying an rpairing your download
GoG Galaxy here for me too, 51 hours logged and no crashes yet only thing I can think of is that your slow internet connection may have caused a bad file in the process, have you tried verify/repair from the manage options in Galaxy.

I might uninstall the game and download it again. Not as if i have progressed much. Have seen a few people complaining in the forums about it but have seen no responses as of yet. If it continues I might just buy it again on steam.
I doubt buying it on Steam would solve anything for you. It's more likely that either something is broke with your Windows or possible a hardware problem. But then again if you only got issues with Witcher 3 and no other games to speak of, it's probably something with your OS.

If you're going to attempt reinstalling the game from scratch anyway, do a fresh install of the OS before that. Install only needed drivers and then the game in question. If it still happens then it has to be some incompatibility between drivers and hardware.
Buying it on Steam won't change anything. I have it on Steam as well and haven't had any issues. They have patch 1.05 coming out soon, sometime this week. Might help but the patch notes haven't said anything about crashing on startup.
Buying it on Steam won't change anything. I have it on Steam as well and haven't had any issues. They have patch 1.05 coming out soon, sometime this week. Might help but the patch notes haven't said anything about crashing on startup.

Re-installed the game lastnight and it is now working flawlessly. It must have been a corrupt file, even though I verified multiple times. Time enjoy the game and play some Gwent lol