Wish Me Luck


Well-known member
As the title says OC3Ders wish me luck as today my Wife and I after many failed attempts at selling our property are going to exchange contracts, so finally it looks like it might be a done deal, and unlike others they have even put down a deposit whoooooot!
But things could still fall apart so help us keep our fingers crossed eh. :)
Good luck. i know how stressfull wating for things to be final is, and how for some reason it all starts to get drawn out longer towards the end making you feel like its going to fall through.
Well I'm shattered again another cock up with forms missing so he has to chase up stuff from the buyers solicitor im sure they do this shit deliberately so you have to keep going back for another appointment which you have to pay for of course :( :mad:
Best of luck to you! When we sold our place last year, the first buyer fell through. A few months later it sold though. We had two mortgages at the time as we bought our current house before we sold our last. We planned (budgeted) for having two mortgages for 1 year. Luckily it sold at 5 months, but it was still a stressful time. Really sucked taking care of two properties too. When the papers were signed and it was a done deal it felt so damn good.
Thanks so much for the well wishes peeps the scary part is this has been off and on for 4 years now and to think yes exchange today and for the solicitor to say we don't have this paperwork when I'm bloody sure he would have known for well over two weeks now frustrates the living shit out of me I just want it over so I can move........and the most important bit get my new puter parts :)
So update time we successfully exchanged last week I'm so freekin happy it's been a long hard struggle and the thing is now that if they pull out they lose their deposit so I don't think there is much chance of them pulling out yippee!
Thanks to all for the well wishes as it looks like your thoughts paid off :)
And now the fun begins finding somewhere else and then moving BUT I don't mind in the least!
So update time we successfully exchanged last week I'm so freekin happy it's been a long hard struggle and the thing is now that if they pull out they lose their deposit so I don't think there is much chance of them pulling out yippee!
Thanks to all for the well wishes as it looks like your thoughts paid off :)
And now the fun begins finding somewhere else and then moving BUT I don't mind in the least!

Congrats dude
So update time we successfully exchanged last week I'm so freekin happy it's been a long hard struggle and the thing is now that if they pull out they lose their deposit so I don't think there is much chance of them pulling out yippee!
Thanks to all for the well wishes as it looks like your thoughts paid off :)
And now the fun begins finding somewhere else and then moving BUT I don't mind in the least!

Glad it's gone well for you buddy, going to be moving house myself over the next week or so