Windows 7 to 10 Migration


New member
Hi all.
I am wanting to upgrade to windows 10 around mid year as that gives me time to sort stuff out and was wondering about how I should go about this process.
I am sort of at a cross roads as I originally had the WD 1TB drive and had all my programs on that but when I got a SSD I copied my systems settings and started again really. But I didn't move as all my game saves and setting for apps and stuff is still on the HDD that I use the majority of the time. Should I backup my Hdd to the 4TB and update and reinstall windows 10 to the SSD then Start about getting all used apps and settings moved over?
I'm really just not sure how to tackle this?
Best move is to use the upgrade to Windows 10 option and once you've upgraded do a fresh install of Windows 10 as you won't need to enter the key as it's bound to your mobo, It's what most people have done and it just works :)
In your case I would probably choose to end up doing a full reinstall of everything. I generally find copied OS's/Clones/Etc after a while tend to just go to crap and get really slow. I'd use the upgrade option for 10 and after upgrading just do a reinstall. I'd also wipe the drive too and just start from scratch. All the game saves can be uploaded to steam cloud or moved to a USB stick.
;890289 said:
Best move is to use the upgrade to Windows 10 option and once you've upgraded do a fresh install of Windows 10 as you won't need to enter the key as it's bound to your mobo, It's what most people have done and it just works :)
I was meaning that sort of so upgrade to windows 10 on the ssd and then reinstall it.
Upgrade keeping all your files and settings then once upgraded and windows 10 is activated go to search search for recovery hit enter and click on the "get started" under the "reset your pc" done! ;)
Make two images. One of your current install and one of all the files you want to keep. From there I'd make a fresh install of 10. That way you're covered if it breaks or you don't like 10's 'experience'.