

New member
Good evening lad's and ladett's..........just wondering who uses "Winamp" and do you have any interesting stations (on shoutcast).

Just posted as a whim.

mArTyN :D
I abandoned the Winamp camp a couple of weeks ago and downloaded Foobar. Haven't looked back since.

But each to their own. Can't help you with any stations, sorry.
That. I used winamp prior to foobar2k as well, foobar2k is the best.
Aye, way more lightweight and much easier to manage music if you got alot to keep track of. Especially if you're ripping CD's and everthing in winamp media library is just "Unknown artist". I tried mp3 tagging everything in winamp but its just a pain. Of course Foobar2k is a music player and only that.
Aye, way more lightweight and much easier to manage music if you got alot to keep track of. Especially if you're ripping CD's and everthing in winamp media library is just "Unknown artist". I tried mp3 tagging everything in winamp but its just a pain. Of course Foobar2k is a music player and only that.

Yep, but it does that exceptionally well.
I actually started using google chrome for video files, it does a better job than VLC.
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I'm still using Winamp on a daily basis, it works best with my NAS, tried foobar too but it wouldnt wake my NAS from sleep