Will a my old Crossfired 6870's run a 4K display?


New member
Howdy brethren. Long time no chat.

So I built my rig about 6 years ago with 2 x 6870's (1gb). Last week I decided to order a 27" 4k monitor for my photo editing.

I no longer game, at all, on my PC, so I am not worried about trying to be able to run games on a 4k set.

I am strictly interested in knowing if these cards can technically drive the display at native resolution and refresh. I have read so much conflicting info on this, figured maybe someone here has first hand experience.

The cards have a displayport out, and the new monitor has a displayport in, which I planned on using to make the connection.

Thanks in advance!
AMD "officially" support 4k resolutions form the 7000 series onward. From what I understand, you will have to patch the driver to force the option of 4k.
So the long and short of it would be an answer along the lines of :
Yes you can do 4k on a 6870, but you will have to work for it.
Worst comes to worst you can just use an app called ''custom resolution utility''. CRU let's you force a resolution, so as long as whatever cable you're using (displayport, I assume) can support the res then it should just... work :P
Thanks for the advice fellas.

What's a good inexpensive card that will handle 4k 60hz output?

I'd say sell your two GPUs and get something like a GTX 750 I use s GTX 750Ti right now for a 1440p and a 1080p display with no issues.