No! I'm not making important life decisions like that for you. Stick with the one you love.
Haha, whaaat? :huh:... well, I don't love neither of them, but still want to keep one of them. Just don't know which one.
Haha, whaaat? :huh:... well, I don't love neither of them, but still want to keep one of them. Just don't know which one.
No love!!
Seriously though dude, both decent cases from reputable manufacturers. Go based on the aesthetics of whatever system you plan to put in it
You bought both of them - stick with the one that you failed on buying least =D
Well, I throwed the C70 to the carbage and kept the CM 690 due to number of reasons.... so this thread can be closed. Thanks all for your inputs.
Woah hold up... threw it in the garbage!!? was it broken?
Surely there'dve been someone locally that could've taken a freebie?
Yay another Corsair case where it rightly belongs !
Hurrah !
Yay another Corsair case where it rightly belongs !
Hurrah !
Well that is your opinion, A lot of people do like Corsair cases
You bought both of them - stick with the one that you failed on buying least =D
Not sure I get that fully... could you elaborate that please?
what he means by that is you most likely bought one then for some reason the other. So if thats the case then one failed on you for some reason or another. And since your considering which one of the 2 to keep/use, then use the one that disappointed you the least i.e failed on you the least
Chillax my friend, chillax... I think he was just being sarcastic
... nothing wrong with speaking your own opinion on something, is it?